Welcome to the History Gallery!
Here you will find pictures from our past – ca years 1955 – 1989, of Gran Pamir champions, foundation bitches and significant producers that made the history of our and of many other Italian kennels. Click on the “i” on each picture to read the description.
You can also read an article about us and our Kennel History HERE, as well as the history of the breed in Italy to whom we have highly contributed HERE (Italian Graffiti Part 1) and HERE (Italian Graffiti Part 2), published on the 2011 AIALA Book.
- (Italiano: a completare la gallery potete visionare gli articoli:
- – La storia del nostro allevamento, scaricabile in pdf QUI, in italiano e inglese;
- – La storia dell’allevamento italiano Parte 1 e Parte 2
pubblicati entrambi sul libro AIALA Trent’anni di storia (2011).)